Have you ever dreamed of being able to track, in real time, the movements of the people you cherish most... or the possessions that mean the most to you? With www.konectis.com, this dream can become reality at any time!
A simple, reliable geolocation interface
Wherever you go, www.konectis.com (also known as www.whatusea.com) never lets you out of its sight, as long as you're equipped with its basic tool: a geolocation beacon that makes your presence - and all your movements - perceptible to the satellites responsible for transcribing your movements onto the interface's interactive map. A platform that stands out for its clarity, ease of use and comprehensive information.
How do I use it?
www.konectis.com can be accessed from your PC, Smartphone or iPhone. It's immediate to use, with no need to install any special programs when opening files. A green signal lets you see at a glance the position of the beacon's carrier - whether it's a vehicle, a container or a person, while you receive an up-to-date weather report every time you plan a trip out to sea!

Set your geolocation and tracking criteria
With www.konectis.com, you set your own criteria, particularly when it comes to the safety of your belongings. All you have to do is sketch out on the interactive map the perimeter that must not be crossed around the parcel in question, which carries the beacon: the latter will do the rest, sending you an alert on your mobile or computer in the event of leaving the security perimeter, or even in the event of your crate or suitcase being opened by indiscreet - or dishonest - hands.

Keep track
Thanks to geolocation, you can keep track not only of all your merchandise transfers, but also of your loved ones and pets. After all, we all have an elderly relative who's losing his or her memory a little and for whom wearing a beacon could be a great help, or a fussy little dog who takes advantage of the slightest opportunity to steal your company! At www.konectis.com, you can also follow your offspring's every move, so you can react immediately in the event of an accident, on the way to school for example.
An irreplaceable safety tool, the Tracking beacon is also an extraordinary instrument for communicating with your loved ones, or via social networks. Are you heading off on a solo round-the-world trip, or simply on a business trip to a faraway land? On www.konectis.com, your family won't miss a minute of the routes you take, while you can share every stage of your trip on Facebook, or on your personal blog!